1. What is the approximate taxi fare from Ocean Terminal to Hong Kong International Airport?


The approximate taxi fare is as follows:


What is the approximate taxi fare from Hong Kong International Airport to Ocean Terminal? Any other transports such as MTR? What is the fare?


Routes and approximate fares are listed below:


Transport Fare (Approx.) From To Travel Time (Approx.)
Taxi* HK$300.00 Ocean Terminal Airport 40 minutes


*Additional Charge for Baggage : Every Baggage  HK$6.00 


( In general, additional charge for baggage may be levied on: every piece of baggage that is carried inside the baggage compartment; or every piece of baggage with total dimensions(length+ width+ height) exceeding 140cm that is carried inside the passenger compartment)


2. What is the approximate taxi fare from Hong Kong International Airport to Ocean Terminal? Any other transports such as MTR? What is the fare?


Routes and approximate fares are listed below:


Option Transport Fare (Approx.) From To Travel Time (Approx.)
A Taxi*


Airport Ocean Terminal 40 minutes
B MTR Airport Express

HK$100.00 each person

Airport Kowloon Station 45 minutes
Taxi* HK$36.00
Kowloon Station Ocean Terminal


* Additional Charges : Every Baggage  HK$6.00


( In general, additional charge for baggage may be levied on: every piece of baggage that is carried inside the baggage compartment; or every piece of baggage with total dimensions(length+ width+ height) exceeding 140cm that is carried inside the passenger compartment)